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Kahn pledges support for seniors while blasting Barr on his
nursing home vote

Congressional candidate Roger Kahn has pledged to support Georgia's senior citizens if elected this November.

Kahn said he would support creating a lock box to prevent Congress from spending the Social Security Trust Fund, using the projected budget surpluses to strengthen Social Security and Medicare, providing a prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients and honoring veterans by providing funding for adequate benefits.

"Our seniors built this great country and they deserve to be honored by our commitment to making sure Social Security will be strong," Kahn said.

"They need to receive adequate health care and prescription drug coverage. Most of all, our veterans need to be given the proper respect they have earned."

"We are fortunate to be experiencing great economic times and we should take advantage of it and invest in America's future."

In addition, Kahn blasted the incumbent Bob Barr for abandoning seniors. He has been running a new campaign commercial criticizing Barr's 1999 vote to allow nursing homes to continue evicting patients on Medicaid in order to fill their beds with wealthier patients.

The ad, which began running on September 8, highlights the fact the Nursing Home Resident Protection Act, H.R. 540, was opposed by just twelve voting Members of Congress.

"Bob Barr has proven by his votes in Congress that he no longer deserves the job," Kahn said. "Whether it is cutting Medicare or allowing nursing homes to throw the elderly out on the street, Bob Barr has abandoned our seniors. His policies have not only been wrong - they have been cruel.

"We need a Congressman who will fight for our seniors, not someone who puts profits ahead of people. Our district - especially our seniors - deserves better."

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