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Off-Duty Cobb Deputy
Doing Well After Shooting

A woman suspected of being a burglar is accused of shooting an off-duty Cobb County sheriff's deputy twice Thursday morning as he chased her into the woods across from his Douglas County home.
Link to the story 1/7

Cobb Businessmen
Sentenced For Fraud

Glenn Lagrone said his desire to become a member of the elite "inner circle" overwhelmed his sense of right and wrong. Tom Stacy said his crimes left his family "homeless and destitute." Before sentencing the two Marietta businessmen to prison, a federal judge noted that the defendants had worked in homeless shelters, taught Bible study and coached Little League. "I look at these two guys," U.S. District Judge Richard Story said, "and think they could be my best friends."
Access Atlanta 1/7

Cobb May Limit Land Clearing To 10 Acres At Time
Developers could no longer strip vast tracts of Cobb County land under a proposal that would limit them to 10 acres at a time. The measure sponsored by county commissioners Sam Olens and Woody Thompson will be discussed by the full county commission next week.
Access Atlanta 1/7

Group Outlines Plans
For New East Cobb Park

East Cobb County may finally get a park without ball fields if citizens, corporations and --- maybe --- the county will cough up as much as $2 million. The citizens' group Friends for East Cobb Park has secured a contract to buy 13 acres but must raise $900,000 by the end of this year, said Mary Karras, president of the civic group and a senior vice president at Riverside Bank.
Access Atlanta 1/4

Lockheed Builds Tenth F-22
Mid-Fuselage In Record Time

The tenth mid-fuselage for the F-22 was built in record time at Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems in Fort Worth. The mid-fuselage was shipped ahead of schedule from Lockheed Martin Tactical Aircraft Systems to mate with the rest of the aircraft components at Lockheed Martin Aeronautical Systems here in Marietta.
Link to the story 1/4

Cobb, Its Cities Finally
Resolve Duplication Of Services

The Georgia Department of Community Affairs gave a green light to Cobb and its cities' government's House Bill 489 service delivery plan Thurs. Dec. 30. The compliance verification is especially notable due to the bill requirements for government to look at any tax inequities, determine any service duplication between cities and county, and develop a process to resolve land use disputes between cities and county government.
Link to the story 1/4

Frank Ayers Will Not Run
Again For Ward 6 Council Seat

Marietta Councilmember Frank Ayer will not run for re-election from Ward Six, when elections come around in 2001, sources say. Ayers, 78, has told people its time to go. Serving as a Marietta City Councilman for two terms in the 1960s, he returned to public office in 1994 after his retirement as President and Assistant Business Manager of Local 613 IBEW. 1/2

Suggestion: Open Churches
For Worship Before School

There's always talk about allowing prayer in schools. But, in reality, it will never happen. So why not do the next best thing? Why not open the churches so students can worship before school? "I went to church every morning, my parents insisted on it," said Richard Hines, publisher of The Cobb Times. "If students and parents want religion in their lives on a daily basis, then go to church each morning, make the effort. Why leave it up to the schools?"
    Hines said a few years ago, one church in East Cobb opened its doors for students to worship in the morning, but soon closed because of lack of interest.

Not Many Blacks
Attended 'Marietta Pilgrimage'

The much-promoted Marietta Pilgrimage tour of homes revealed another divide between the races in Marietta. Few blacks took the tour. In fact, the event wasn't promoted in the 'black communities.' At least two historic sites on the tour were Civil War-era homes which, presumably, had slaves.

The tour is held every year in early December. Homes on tour over the years have ranged from mansions to cottages. No home owned by an African-American has ever been on the tour. Theresa Jenkins, executive director of the Marietta Welcome Center -- a sponsor of the pilgrimage -- could not be reached for comment.

Tanker Crash Releases
Toxic Fumes At Cloverleaf

Fumes from an overturned tanker carrying a potentially lethal substance forced officials to take emergency actions at I-285 and I-75 near the Cobb Galleria Wednesday morning. More headlines 12/29

Stolen Gun In Puffy Combs' Car Belonged To Cobb Man
New York authorities said Tuesday that a gun found in rapper Sean "Puffy" Combs' vehicle early Monday was stolen from a Powder Springs construction worker who reported it missing in August. Access Atlanta 12/29

Traffic Study Didn't Include
New Catholic School Factor

A traffic impact study on Whitlock Avenue predicts gridlock for the highway near where the new high school is being built. What the study didn't put into account is traffic to the new Catholic school that will be built farther west. Most of the buses and cars will be coming from the growing Catholic parishes in East Cobb. 12/29

Community Pressure Put
New School On Whitlock

Pressure from residents put the new Marietta High School on Whitlock, despite predictions of traffic problems. It wasn't that people wanted on it Whitlock, they just wanted it 'on their side of town.' That's what insiders are saying. One person, Councilmember Philip Goldstein had pushed for a central location off the South Loop, but the school board felt pressured to select the west side of town. 12/29

County Sheriff's Office Posts
Its Most Wanted On Internet

The Cobb County Sheriff’s Office has posted its Most Wanted on the county's internet site and in its monthly newspaper, Direction Cobb. The Sheriff's Office holds an outstanding warrant or warrants on the individuals posted. View Most Wanted 12/26

Towery Leads New
'Insider' Website

An Atlanta/Washington based company has created the nation's first web-based source for advanced "insider" information concerning state and local government throughout the country. The company also announced its initial "preview" web site, as well as an impressive Board of Advisors including: former members of Congress, nationally prominent former legislators and leaders in the area of communications and the Internet. Some of those involved are Cobb Countians, including chairman Matt Towery.
Link to the story 12/26

Take Your Christmas Tree
To 'The Chipper'

Not sure what to do with the Christmas tree once the holidays are over? Keep Cobb Beautiful is inviting everyone to "Bring One for the Chipper" anytime between now and Jan. 8
Cobbline 12/26

Cobb's Bike Police
Now On The Road

It is tough to get your message across when few people know you exist. Members of the Cobb Community Oriented Policing Enforcement Unit are now on the road to a higher profile.
Direction Cobb 12/26

Cobb's Pet of The Month
A beautiful twelve-week-old retreiver/chow mixed female is available for adoption at the Cobb County Animal Control facility. Brought in by its owner because too many were in the litter, this loving dog can be located under tag # 5773 in cage #51. There's many other potential pets available at the animal shelter.
Link for details 12/26

Website Offers Cobb Seniors
Information At Their Fingertips

Interested in taking a computer class? Want to know how to volunteer for the Meals on Wheels program? Need to locate a center in your area? Then log on to Recently launched, the Internet site is already proving to be well traveled. Senior Services Director Richard Meeks said seniors are already utilizing the site to keep up to date with course offerings and field trips.
Link to the new site 12/26

Towering Cobb Project
To Start Rising Soon

Developers will soon break ground for the high-rises and a hotel that were announced more than two years ago for the Kennedy Interchange at I-75 in Cobb County.

Houston-based developer Hines closed this week on the 35-acre tract for its 2 million-square-foot Overton Park development. The $600 million complex will include four office buildings, a 420-room hotel, a 400-unit condominium tower and three restaurants.
Access Atlanta 12/24

Developer In Cherokee Offers
Land For Vet Cemetery

Scott Hudgens, a developer behind the Mall of Georgia, has offered to donate land in Cherokee County for a proposed national veterans cemetery. The land is in the Sutallee community east of Lake Allatoona off Ga. 20, said Ilona Sanders, a Cherokee County commissioner.
Access Atlanta

100 Evacuated After
Derailment In Smyrna

A derailment Wednesday night on the CSX railroad in Smyrna forced the evacuation of about 100 residents in the Ann Road area, near the Campbell Road bridge. Several of the cars were carrying hazardous materials, but none of them leaked, said Smyrna Assistant Fire Chief James Bivins. The tracks run beneath a wooded neighborhood of single-family homes and condominiums just south of Campbell Middle School.
Link to the story

Third Anniversary Of
JonBenet's Murder Nears

As the third anniversary of the slaying of child beauty queen JonBenet Ramsey approaches her killer remains at large, but those sensationalizing her name keep the mystery of who killed the girl in the headlines. JonBenet is buried in a Marietta cemetery.
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Residents Near Austell
Say They've Been Railroaded

The trees and lakes on Norfolk Southern Railway's land are gone. And so, it seems, are buyers interested in homes nearby. "The value of this property has went down to nothing because of them," said Glynthia Wylie, who lives at the end of Ballew Drive, south of Powder Springs. Her house is next to the proposed train-to-truck freight transfer station that could draw as many as 3,000 trucks per day.
Access Atlanta

Paper Says Cobb Overcharging
For Copies Of Public Records

Most police departments in Cobb County are breaking Georgia's open records laws by overcharging the public for initial incident reports, according to a survey by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The state Attorney General's Office, which reviews open records complaints, says that local police departments throughout Georgia routinely overcharge the public for incident reports.
Link to the story

Hard Experiences Teach Youth About Drugs, Alcohol
Jan and Tammy’s lessons were hard ones. The two women were dressed in their white inmate uniforms as they explained to students of J.J. Daniell Middle School what living in jail really means.“
Direction Cobb

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